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5 Ways to Support Your Immune System During the Winter

April Beaman • Dec 03, 2021

The cold months are upon us. Everyone is talking about being sick, everyone has the sniffles, or worse yet, they have the full-blown flu. It's easy to feel like you'll never be healthy again if it keeps up this way! But wait — here's your first piece of advice: don't panic! While there certainly may be an increase in illness during the winter months, there are still little things you can do to support your immune system and help fight off those nasty bugs.

Get Enough Sleep

It is important to get enough sleep at night because this helps the body repair itself and fight viruses.

Aim for about eight hours of sleep per night. If you have trouble sleeping, create a relaxing bedtime routine that will help signal the brain it's time to go into "sleep mode." This could include things like reading before bed or taking a warm bath using scented oils or salts — anything that relaxes your mind.

Avoid drinking coffee after noon, as caffeine interferes with deep sleep patterns. It can make you feel tired when you wake up in the morning, even if you got plenty of rest while sleeping.

Eat Healthily

Another way to support your immune system and make sure you don't get sick is by eating a healthy, well-rounded diet. This means getting all the micro and macronutrients you need for good health.

The body needs protein from lean meats like chicken or fish as well as whole grains such as quinoa or steel-cut oats. Eat lots of fruit and veggies as well — a colorful plate of fruits and vegetables will provide your body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants (which help fight off free radicals that cause disease), phytonutrients (a plant compound that effectively blocks cell damage), and fiber.

Spice Things Up

You can also support your immune system by incorporating herbs and spices into everyday dishes that you cook or add flavor to at mealtime. You can reap extra immunity-boosting benefits by adding ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper, and turmeric to just about anything from soups and stews to salads or main dishes.

Keep Your Body Moving

Exercise not only keeps your body fit but also helps the immune system stay healthy. Studies show that people who exercise regularly have stronger immune systems than those who do not, and when the body is at rest, it can direct more energy toward fighting off viruses. If you feel like you're in a bad mood, just go for a walk or hit up an exercise class like yoga or cardio. You'll feel better after getting your blood pumping and endorphins flowing, which is one of nature's best anti-depressants.

Reduce Stress

Finally, don't forget to take care of yourself and reduce stress in your life. The immune system is very sensitive, and our bodies cannot fight off viruses when we are under high levels of stress. That’s because it becomes too much for the body to handle, and there isn't enough energy left over after dealing with day-to-day "to-do's" to deal with a virus.

If you feel stressed, take a time out and do something that makes you happy or just relax for a bit before returning to what needs your attention. If possible, try doing this outside. A little fresh air can go a long way towards improving your mental state and supporting your immune system. 

Thermography screenings are a non-invasive and painless way to "check in" on your body and health. For more information about how a thermography screening might be right for you, contact the professionals at CT Thermography. 

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